To Παγκόσμιο Δίκτυο Exercise is Medicine
H Παγκόσμια Παρουσία του Exercise is Medicine

The Exercise is Medicine® Global Health Initiative exists in more than 40 countries worldwide. The EIM Global Center actively works with leaders from health care, medicine, public health and fitness organizations to establish National Centers. Partners initiate the process by forming an EIM National Task Force, consisting of a wide array of leaders from across the country, with the goal to establish Exercise is Medicine as a permanent initiative in the country.
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EIM Regional Centers are charged with developing, providing ongoing assistance and leadership, and serving as a sounding board to developing and establishing EIM Natonal Centers in their region. An EIM Regional Center is hosted by an institution or organization, typically a university, professional association or health care institution, with whom the EIM Global Center has a collaborative agreement. The location and selection of leadership for EIM Regional Centers are voted on by the membership in their region.
Key functions of the EIM Regional Center include:
- Establish ongoing relationships with important regional level health care and physical activity-related organizations;
- Prepare the EIM National Center leaders in their region to provide specialized EIM training courses for health care providers and health fitness professionals in their respective countries; and
- Strategically assist with the integration of the EIM Global Health Initiative into health care systems in their region.
Currently, these three primary EIM Regional Centers exist in the EIM Global Health Network:
EIM Regional Centers
EIM Latin America

- Host Institution: Clinica MEDS
- Regional Center Leader: Dra. Sandra Mahecha
- Visit
for more information
EIM Europe

- Host Institution: University of Ulm
- Regional Center Leader: Dr. Jürgen Steinacher
- Visit for more information.
EIM Asia
- Host Institution: Changi General Hospital
- Regional Center Leader: Dr. Ben Tan